The Lepton 5100 is a mobile disc screening machine with 5 grain fractions and 2 screening decks, used especially for wood containing biomass. Following materials are processed:
Considering the application field “organic waste”, the material is separated in the following 5 grain fractions:
We are supplier for sheet metal components. Primarily, we produce components by our Trumpf production lines Trulaser 5030 and TruBend 5230.
With our automated sheet metal storage TruStore, large number of pieces can be processed economically and highly automated. (Imagemovie).
Please send inquiries to Herrn Martin Alzinger. Ideally you attach 3D-CAD files.
We develop our products using latest software solutions like 3D-CAD, FEM and multibody dynamics.
Our focus is on the development of efficient, high-performance, economical and long-life vehicels. In the field of sheet metal manufacturing, we use 3D-CAD cut and bending simulations. Our designs are simulated and optimized by the structural simulation software Ansys Workbench.
Due to reasons of mobility and efficiency, special focus is on light weight design and electric drives.
managing director
focus on technology and sales
Phone: +49 170 333 602 5
managing director
focus on technology, software development and accounting
Phone: +49 170 312 853 3
head of product development
Phone: +49 170 472 67 31
purchase of technical equipment
Phone: +49 170 966 526 3
The Alzinger Maschinenbau GmbH was founded in 2018 by Richard and Martin Alzinger.
It develops and produces the mobile disc screening machine for wood containing biomass. With the Lepton 5100, the company offers a 5-fraction disc screener with 2 screening decks and up to 400 m³ / h output.
The founders Richard and Martin possess a professional experience since many years. Richard work since his apprenticeship in the field of sugar-beet harvesting technology. His aim till now is the development of reliable machines to ensure the success of the customer. Additionally, Richard is one of the founders of Albach Maschinenbau. Martin contributed to the success of Albach from the beginning. His focus was on technology and software. In his position as head of after sales service for many years, he received a lot of professional and international experience.
you will find us at Schierling, Am Gewerbering 14
280 rue du Château • F-60640 Golancourt